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Clutch mods

Printed From: Brock's Performance
Category: YOU have questions....WE have answers!!
Forum Name: Information From Brock's Performance
Forum Description: Test Results and Important items of note directly from the Brock's Performance R&D Department!
Printed Date: February/08/2025 at 1:24pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.01 -

Topic: Clutch mods
Posted By: styno
Subject: Clutch mods
Date Posted: June/08/2011 at 9:30am
Heya! Im heading out to test my 01 gsxr 1000 this w/e. After a long battle with a two stage lock up, im throwing in the towel and going back to a stock/mod clutch.
My question is this, what will the bike do that will tell me I need the cushion? I have it set now with 2 stock springs and 3 Brocks springs as a starting point.
Does this sound like a reasonable start? I have no problem with getting a cushion other then I dont have time.
Ive had friends say I will need it fo sure, and another freind with the same bike, same mods and same weight as I and he doesnt have one and has never had a problem.
I'd just like to be able to identify the need for a cushion, should this set up not work.
Huge thanks in advance!

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