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GSXR1000 vs.Travel Channel Busa - Event Date: January/01/1900 - January/01/1900

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    Posted: November/04/2003 at 11:43am
Anyone who has ever purchased any GSX-R1000 parts from Brock's Performance has probably heard about my friend and long-time crewman Tony's 2001 GSX-R1000. It is our "GSX-R1000 Standard."  I personally have more work and tuning into this particular GSX-R1000 than any other 1000 we have tested... partially as a favor to Tony, but also as a learning experience for me and the company. This Gixxer has received as much attention to detail and tuning as my personal "Travel Channel" Busa. Tony's 1000 hauls ass....period.
Because of the growing popularity of the 1000's, we receive numerous phone calls per month about parts and performance. We know how quick and fast properly set up Busa's and GSX-R1000's run at the drag strip...but what about on the street? You know, 'real world' "braggin rights" roll-on's. A dead-stop race really isn't fair against the two bikes...the 1000 is FAR to difficult to keep on the ground. I grudgingly agreed to a second gear, 5-6K roll on.
Our Busa exhausts are better suited for higher RPM action...but he can't roll on from first gear without fighting a wheelie, and this test was to measure the 2 completely different types of bikes on the street...Not to slap around your cocky buddy.....(YEA RIGHT!...Can you believe that our Sales mgr., Bryan, actually BET AGAINST the boss?!)
Tony has the honor of being the "non-turbo" roll-on king here locally. He also owns the quickest time ticket I have ever seen for a stock wheelbase, completely stock engine, foot shifting GSX-R1000 at an elevation of 1000 feet above sea level:
A quick run down of his mods on the drag strip would include:shift lever in reverse pattern (1 up and 5 down), 1 down on the front and rear sprockets, Alisyn <<0 motor oil, lowered and strapped front end, BDE dog bones on position #3, Clutch Cushion Kit, Pair valve blocked, mirrors removed, seat cowl in place, short 01 750 stacks on 2/3...stock 1000 stacks in 1/4 in the air box with the secondary throttle plates removed, and a PC3R with the exact map that we send customers with the box changes (GSX-R1000 - He also Runs Nutec Special 5 at the track...and of course he has our Brock's Performance /Hindle system with the 20" Titanium Muffler.
Here is a dyno chart comparing both bikes as they were raced:
For this 'real world' test, we tried to make the bikes as similar as possible. Both had the mirrors in place and the seat cowl installed and were running pump gas. TC Busa with 87 Octane, Tony's 1000 with 89 Octane. He was at stock height, but my bike was still slammed. I just didn't want to raise because we are going to head to a track this weekend. I don't believe there is any advantage in this besides controlling wheelies...and my TC Busa is NOT going to stand from a 2nd gear roll.
FYI: Tony is 5'9" and 155 lbs to my 5'8" at 160. This is about as close a comparison as you will see. You can also tell from his time ticket that he KNOWS how to ride his bike!
We know of a desolate 4 lane road WAY outside of town with next to no traffic, side streets....or police! We inspected both directions before we stopped to talk about the rules. Tony decided that I would beep my horn 3 times from 5-6k in second..then nail the gas. I did just this. He wasn't exactly ready for the short delay between the third beep and the throttle pin, as a result...I got a small jump. He stayed behind me, not pulling up or fading until about 170 on his speed where I began to pull away. I noticed this and backed off. He couldn't catch me, and I pulled away up top. ( lost!)
For the next race, I just decided to let him leave so I could watch his bike. Not a "clean" break mind you...but when I saw him jump from mid-way through second, I snapped the gas to catch him. This time his 100 less lbs made a big difference! He jumped out about 1.5- 2 bikes INSTANTLY. At first I wasn't sure I was going to catch him, but as the race progressed to higher speeds....I started slowly reeling him in. By about the same speed of 170 on his easy-to-read Speedo, I caught him and began to pull away. I then slowed. (Tony..buddy, you know I love ya...but you LOST...again!)
I think the moral of this story is that a properly set up GSX-R1000 is NO JOKE....the lighter weight and good power are a hard combination to beat in this roll-on atmosphere.
**B-U-T**... the Busa has more power and torque, which makes it far easier to launch at the track, and the broader power band is more forgiving about missing shift points (I even touched the rev-limiter in the top of 3rd on the first race). Add to this the aerodynamics, and you have a KILLER.
We have noticed that many "bigger" riders of 200+ lbs are opting for the 1000 due to the lower weight.They believe that this will help even-up matters....unfortunately this thought process really only applies to applications with wheelie bars. On the street  (or on the strip without bars), I believe the larger rider needs the additional power/torque and especially the added aerodynamics of the Busa. A big man needs to get his body out of the wind and the 1000's are race bikes built for "racer bodies" (@160 lbs) - they are simply too small to work with a larger body structure.
I hope this helps clear things up for anyone wondering which bike to purchase in the future. One item I must mention is that the 1000's insurance rate IS much lower if you have had traffic "issues" in the past!
I'm going to enjoy my lunch...on Bryan!

(As you can tell from my ( ) comments....Tony had a hard time handing over his roll-on crown to one of the BIG, HEAVY, Brute force, grace-less, Busa's!

In his defense, I must admit his logic is correct: **IF** we would have run from a second gear roll...for a 1/4 mile.....I would not have caught him in time to claim victory?!)

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